Open Arms

Open Arms
...caring for orphans and adoptive families...

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Current Status

"Lord, when doubts fill my mind, when my heart is in turmoil, quiet me and give me renewed hope and cheer" (Psalm 94:19 LB).

We finally have all the documents for our dossier! EXCEPT, we found out yesterday that some of our documents will expire before six months so we need to redo about 11 items before we can send things off. It's so easy to become discouraged, to feel like it's two steps forward and three steps back. So we choose to sit quietly before the Lord and be renewed.

We will be trying to take care of a lot of these items tonight and Friday. Pray we have favor with the different offices we will need to contact. OKAY! Well it's time to press in harder! Let's roll up our sleeves and get busy! We want our children home!

We are tired....but more determined than ever before.

Please continue to pray for the children as their school year is over. Pray that they will have a safe summer.

Last night we met with another woman from our church who is in the process of adopting their 4th child. We are working to start a ministry in our local body to help fellow believers find their role in helping orphans find families. We will let you know more as God reveals the details.

We have a passage of scripture we believe is personally for us. Monday night, I (Steve) had a time of prayer with a close friend. It was great, refreshing and encouraging. He called me early Tuesday morning and told me the Lord directed him to the following passage:

The Lord says: "Do not fear, for I am with you; I will bring your offspring from the east (Ukraine), and gather you from the west (South Carolina). I will say to the north, 'Give them up!' and to the south, 'Do not hold them back.' Bring My sons from afar, and My daughters from the ends of the earth."
(Isaiah 43: 5 & 6, NASV)

Waiting for them to come,
Steve and Carol


  1. I love the Isaiah 43 scripture and have had it bookmarked in my bible for more than a year. I so well know the feeling of being almost done and then having to redo something...but it's good for them to all have "new" dates.

    Your kiddos are doing well; I saw them yesterday at camp. :-)

  2. Hi, I found your site from the Hoffmans blog. I am also here in Odessa with them. You look like my kind of people! We are here adopting our 11th and 12th child. It's so fun!

  3. One thing that may help you in updating those papers is that submission and travel dates are very quick, at least for older children. Our dossier was submitted on a Thursday, heard our travel date the next Tuesday, traveling within 2 1/2 weeks of that. In other words, traveling 3 weeks after submission. We are leaving Sunday morning (tomorrow) for our June 10 appointment.

    Best wishes,
